Last night I dreamt...

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Re: Last night I dreamt...

Post by Nicotti »

Interestingly enough, sunday night I had one of those quick waking dreams, the kind you have in between head bobs where you're not totally asleep, but your mind no longer has a complete grasp on the reality around you.

I was in Cupples looking out one of the central stairwell doorways, on an upper floor, down into the gaping hole that was the collapsed section. Then I pitched forward so I was looking up and seeing the underside of the wooden floors and the large wooden beams and I felt an incredible wave of motion sickness. I realized I was falling, but as I made this realization I also realized that I was dreaming and that I didn't want to continue feeling queasy from feeling like I was upside down and falling. My falling slowed until I was just floating in the space about two floors above the rubble pile.

Then realizing that I had stopped my falling just by thinking about it. I thought how useful it would be to be able to fly. Then I could explore all the hidden spaces that I couldn't see from the doorway of the staircase. And I started slowly moving towards the floor on the far side of the collapse hole.

After a little bit of practice I was zooming around between the posts supporting the floors. I ended up having quite a good dream of exploring the part of Cupples I couldn't in real life. :D
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RE: Last night I dreamt...

Post by SubLunar »

That's awesome!
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Re: Last night I dreamt...

Post by BROUSER »

My wife, completely without guile, told me she had a weird dream where she was in a store that sold sausage. All different sizes. Only after I asked her, "Honey, are you shopping around for a bigger sausage?" did she begin to comprehend what the dream might be about.
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Re: Last night I dreamt...

Post by GlassCurtain »

hahaha Brouser!

Nic. I have dreams where I fly all the time. Unfortunately it not effortless flight. I'm concentrating so hard at flying it's physically exhausting after a while. And there's times where I'm flying and I lose my concentration and plummet to the ground only to concentrate so hard that I stop myself just before impact.

I also have a lot of dreams where I get shot. The most vivid dream I've had is where I'm chasing a guy down the hall of a school. There are lockers in the hall so I assume it's a school.

The guy I'm chasing busts through the double doors that lead outside. I tackle the guy in the vestibule. We struggle and wrestle around. I eventually get the guy in a headlock where the guys head is against my chest. The guys partner walks up behind me and shoots me in the back. The bullet travels through me, out my chest and through the head of the guy I have in a headlock.

I take the now dead guys gun. Turn around and shoot the guy who shot me. I pull out my motorola razr cellphone (that's how vivid this dream was) and dial 911. I drop the cell phone and I just sit there on my knees hunched over waiting for the ambulance. Bleeding out.
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Re: Last night I dreamt...

Post by Nicotti »

You need to turn your dream into an action movie scene. :D

I very rarely dream of flying, but when I do, they are almost always lucid dreams and the actually flying is easy to do and exhilarating.

What I usually dream I can do is jump higher and farther than normal. Like 2 stories high and 50 ft long. And I'm usually jumping away from someone or some group that is chasing me.
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Re: Last night I dreamt...

Post by Nicotti »

A tri-theme dream this morning:

First I was driving cross-country from here to the California coast for some important reason that I don't remember. On the way, I passed through an industrial area in some random major city and saw a large abandoned hospital like bldg in a location that kinda looked like downtown StL near all the elevated highways and thought, "That would be cool to explore." But as I drove closer I saw a bunch of homeless trash around the entrances and windows and thought, "That's gotta be a homeless hotel, I think I'll pass on taking my life into my own hands today, plus I gotta hurry and get out to Cali."

Some where in Cali I pulled off the highway before a bridge that went over this trench/canal thing populated with large alligators and stopped. I then drove back the way I came a bit to a town on the border of Cali to meet up with a friend of mine from college who (in the dream) lives in Cali. (In real life he lives in Ferguson and is married with a kid. But in the dream he was still single, like in the old college days.) We were going to drive out to the coast together and for some reason I needed his help with the alligators. (Though I never figured out why, I just did, and it made sense at the time.) But I had to stop at some house first, so he went on ahead to wait for me by the alligator canals.

The next theme started as I entered the house, which turned out to be the house of some hot blonde girl I was apparently dating, (thin, about a foot shorter than me, small breasts, great ass, she kinda looked like a cross between an old gf of mine and SubLunar's gf... sorry man.) Though I'm unclear how I was dating a girl who lived in California, but it made sense at the time. She was pretty thrilled to see me and I remembered the last time we had had sex (so I relived a memory of previous sex with the girl in a flashback), then we started flirting and for some reason she couldn't have sex with me unless it was in the living room but on a bed. Which I was like, "Good thing this couch is a foldout." (I'm not sure why I had a foldout couch in her house that she didn't know about, but it made sense at the time.) So as the foreplay was ramping up, right before the main event she's like, "Stop. I've got something to tell you."
"I've got a kid. She's downstairs (in the basement) with the babysitter, wanna meet her?"
I'm thinking to myself, "Let's get back to the sex thing here." But I say, "Sure."

So while she goes down and get's her daughter, I think to myself it's kind of weird that the babysitter is in the basement watching the kid while the girl is at home. Then I meet the daughter who is quite well spoken for a 3 year old.

Then all these different people come in to her house and she says it's for a meeting. And it looks like some type of support group meeting but I can't hear or understand what the other people are talking about as they talk among themselves. She had been ignoring me during all this even though I kept trying to catch her eye. And her daughter is still sitting near me and watching tv. Then she comes over and gives me a piece of paper with a short list on it and says, "Have you noticed me doing any of these things while we've been dating?" She walks back over to the support group and I look down at the list and it's of various actions of increasing craziness. And I'm thinking as I read through the list, "Well everyone does this, nope she's never done that, I've seen her do that a few times... what are they trying to improve about themselves?" So I decide I need to leave, meet up with me friend by the alligators, and get to the Cali coast still.

Then the theme switches and I'm watching 2 guys as if I were a camera following them, but I feel what they're feeling and occasionally I identify them as being me and my friend, but sometimes I identify them as being strangers. They are running and jumping across corrugated metal roofs of low buildings and sheds trying to get away from some pursuers that I never get to see. But I share their feelings of panic and the need to get away from the pursuers.

After a few minutes of running, the theme switches back to me arriving at the alligator canals and meeting up with my friend. And then I woke up.
Last edited by Nicotti on Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:03 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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RE: Last night I dreamt...

Post by SubLunar »

I had a long convoluted dream that doesn't make enough sense to retell in its entirety.

The final scene took place in a riverside park. I was walking along the trail and my gf was there walking her cat or something. Me and the lady get to talking and out of the corner of my eye I saw her cat being pulled along the ground by a fishing line as though he'd been caught by a lure. I look to my left and there's some punk ass kid with a fishing pole who's quite amused with himself. I start yelling at him, my gf cuts the line and I punch that little bastard in the face. He falls down and I start choking him. Then I woke up.
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Re: Last night I dreamt...

Post by SubLunar »

Nicotti wrote:(thin, about a foot shorter than me, small breasts, great ass, she kinda looked like a cross between an old gf of mine and SubLunar's gf... sorry man.)
That's the thing about the internet. I don't care what happens on it. Anyone can say whatever they want and it means nothing. No apology necessary.

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Re: Last night I dreamt...

Post by Nicotti »

Nice. But the convoluted parts are fun to read. Cause subconscious logic is interesting to try to follow. Seems like it's always fine till you think about it.
More online investigation than onsite exploration these days.

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Re: Last night I dreamt...

Post by Nicotti »

SubLunar wrote:
Nicotti wrote:(thin, about a foot shorter than me, small breasts, great ass, she kinda looked like a cross between an old gf of mine and SubLunar's gf... sorry man.)
That's the thing about the internet. I don't care what happens on it. Anyone can say whatever they want and it means nothing. No apology necessary.

I have a vagina and I like to smother small woodland creatures inside of it.

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Re: RE: Last night I dreamt...

Post by Nicotti »

SubLunar wrote:The final scene took place in a riverside park. I was walking along the trail and my gf was there walking her cat or something. Me and the lady get to talking and out of the corner of my eye I saw her cat being pulled along the ground by a fishing line as though he'd been caught by a lure. I look to my left and there's some punk ass kid with a fishing pole who's quite amused with himself. I start yelling at him, my gf cuts the line and I punch that little bastard in the face. He falls down and I start choking him. Then I woke up.

I'm no Freud here, but it sounds like you despise the punk ass kids that keep trying to steal your gf's pussy from you. And that you'll fight them for it when they try.

Now lie down on the couch and tell me about your mother.
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RE: Last night I dreamt...

Post by SubLunar »

My mother used to be a raving psycho but she's chilled out in recent years. WR had a thing going with her.
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Re: Last night I dreamt...

Post by Nicotti »

Only WR? That seems unlikely.
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RE: Last night I dreamt...

Post by SubLunar »

true, I should have said theirs was "special".
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Re: RE: Last night I dreamt...

Post by crazydrummerdude »

SubLunar wrote:My mother used to be a raving psycho but she's chilled out in recent years.
Every once in a while the psycho comes out.
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