Kansas Ammuntion Plant at Parsons, Ks

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Kansas Ammuntion Plant at Parsons, Ks

Post by liesreality »

Not sure if anyone has been to the Ammuntion Plant that has been shut down for quite some time in Parons, Ks. They used to make bombs in the place. My parents and many others in the town used to work there, but over time layoffs began and finally only a few remained on the books, even though production was halted. Recently, the last of the guards was relieved of duty that was monitoring the place. The place is on the very edge of town (east of town). The place is surrounded all the way around by fencing, but there are parts that the fence could easily be climbed over. A few spots the fencing is no longer present, because the city wants to make it eventually a public type area in portions. They city has made little progress in doing this though. The place is very huge inside.
I have a lot of history about the place from people who used to work there if anyone wants to know more.

Anyways, I have only been in when i was younger, but have driven by the place many times. I would recommend parking your car a distance away and going over, becuase traffic is very light there, but the police about do drive by it and would notice a car unattended. They dont make it a point to constantly patrol it though.

I have attached a few pictures. 1 of the pictures shows people putting up new signing that marks the roadway down to the ammuntion plant.

There is also fishing ponds nearby on the property.
Down this way on left hand side of road. every so often road blocks are put up.
Down this way on left hand side of road. every so often road blocks are put up.
image diagram
image diagram
Fishing pond
Fishing pond
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Re: Kansas Ammuntion Plant at Parsons, Ks

Post by Nicotti »

My good buddy from UMR works at that plant.

And another guy who lived on our floor works for the company that did the environmental cleanup for the new industrial area.
More online investigation than onsite exploration these days.

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RE: Kansas Ammuntion Plant at Parsons, Ks

Post by liesreality »

Yes, they are trying to do a lot of cleanup. Some on the part of the city to make it a tour in a sense, and also for fishing on the lakes. The plant itself is closed. They continued to lay people off and did call back some of the people they layed off, but sadly in the end it was shut down. For awhile they kept some people on the payroll, but they realized the government no longer needed the facility to make the cluster bombs, etc, so it went away. The city of Parsons tried to come up with ideas on what to do with it, but not wanting to spend much money, and no places really wanting to move into a dying town, it basically just sat there for a long time.

According to a guard that was let go recently, she said not much is left of the inside. Mainly some conveyor type lines, but as far as bombs, the government doesnt want to leave them lying around, LOL.

At one point when it was open though they needed to spend thier yearly budget or face getting it cut the following year, because they didnt spend the full budget, so they bought a bulldozer. They already had a working bulldozer, but with the new one they buried the old one that still worked fine to justify unofficially that thier old one no longer worked, LOL. My parents told me it is buried, but pointed out many years back to me where it was buried.
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