ConspiracyTheorist666 vs. Illuminati: a cage match

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Re: Abandoned area close to town on public trail.

Post by RedRook »

ConspiracyTheorist666 wrote:
BROUSER wrote:
ConspiracyTheorist666 wrote: What are you supposed to be, a reptilian wanna be? You know they don't look like that in real life, right? They rarely let you see anymore than their eyes. A guy like you wouldn't have a chance with me. I'm out of your league lizard lover.
So many good things going on with you. And ad hominem (or technically I suppose an ad draconem)attack. And I thought you might have enough brain to be worth playing with. Still, you dodged the whole penis/vagina question. If I could only know, I still might be interested. You don't appear to have much brain, but if you have enough genitalia you still might be worthy of a modicum of attention.
Please! That is your comeback?

If you want a pussy dick so bad, you don't need to look any further than Red Rook over here. Red Rook is a call sign for a traitor and a coward that defected to the state sponsored drug cartels run by the Red Queen in Columbia. He could have been a SEVENth group hero, but he decided to be one of the bad guys. Don't be fooled by his master's alias, red queen. The red queen was actually a fat bald man trying to imply that his identity was in fact Griselda. Leave it to men to accuse an innocent woman of the crimes a pervert pedophile committed. If you ask me, we should just castrate them all. Maybe at that point, women can go where they want without having to worry about being used and abused.

I find his comments informative, because he is basically telling everybody in plain English who he really is. I once accidently slept with a North Virginia boy when I was working in North Carolina. He let me in on some secrets that led me to do my own personal investigation into this group run by a known reptilian named Donald Rumsfeld. Maybe you have heard of him. What did I find in North Virginia, you ask? I found buildings with doors large enough to drive a truck in on one side, and a mound of solid earth on the other side. The whole area was surrounded by armed guards. Why would the government need to guard those buildings so closely if they weren't special. And then it hit me, it is because those are the tunnel entrances.

Now we have Red Rook popping up in the Ozarks and linked to the NSA and the Illuminati. How can anyone ask for any more proof than this. You see the Illuminati need to bring the world population down to 500 million. They don't want just any type of person to survive. They only want the 5% that don't do drugs to survive. So that is the secret. This tunnel from North Virginia to the Ozarks is all linked to the conspiracy to relocate the world capital of the New World Order to the Ozarks. They are going to poison all the drug users with Red Rook's help. If you can't see the truth in all of this, then you are just deaf, dumb, and blind.
You honestly made me laugh the first time I read this. On the second time through though, I'm a little worried about you. It sounds like you might be dealing with some very bad things that happened to you in the past. I know you don't trust me, but maybe you should go to someone you trust and show them all this information you've gathered. They might have some ideas of what you should do next.
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Re: Abandoned area close to town on public trail.

Post by BROUSER »

ConspiracyTheorist666 wrote: Please! That is your comeback?

If you want a pussy dick so bad, you don't need to look any further than Red Rook over here. Red Rook is a call sign for a traitor and a coward that defected to the state sponsored drug cartels run by the Red Queen in Columbia. He could have been a SEVENth group hero, but he decided to be one of the bad guys. Don't be fooled by his master's alias, red queen. The red queen was actually a fat bald man trying to imply that his identity was in fact Griselda. Leave it to men to accuse an innocent woman of the crimes a pervert pedophile committed. If you ask me, we should just castrate them all. Maybe at that point, women can go where they want without having to worry about being used and abused.

I find his comments informative, because he is basically telling everybody in plain English who he really is. I once accidently slept with a North Virginia boy when I was working in North Carolina. He let me in on some secrets that led me to do my own personal investigation into this group run by a known reptilian named Donald Rumsfeld. Maybe you have heard of him. What did I find in North Virginia, you ask? I found buildings with doors large enough to drive a truck in on one side, and a mound of solid earth on the other side. The whole area was surrounded by armed guards. Why would the government need to guard those buildings so closely if they weren't special. And then it hit me, it is because those are the tunnel entrances.

Now we have Red Rook popping up in the Ozarks and linked to the NSA and the Illuminati. How can anyone ask for any more proof than this. You see the Illuminati need to bring the world population down to 500 million. They don't want just any type of person to survive. They only want the 5% that don't do drugs to survive. So that is the secret. This tunnel from North Virginia to the Ozarks is all linked to the conspiracy to relocate the world capital of the New World Order to the Ozarks. They are going to poison all the drug users with Red Rook's help. If you can't see the truth in all of this, then you are just deaf, dumb, and blind.
You have mistaken an expression of disappointment with a comeback. Herein lies your flaw. You have poor powers of perception which cause you to possess a skewed grasp of reality as expressed in everything in your post past the words "pussy dick." But we love others for their flaws, not their perfections. And if your failure to confirm or deny the existence of dual sexual organs (dueling sexual organs?) has given me a raging love boner, who can blame me? Not to say I'm actually erect, I'm just in that quasi-emotional state of readiness to enter your psyche in a loving fashion and tenderly be intimate with your pneuma, your anima, your wonderful essential nature.
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Re: Abandoned area close to town on public trail.

Post by ConspiracyTheorist666 »

Let the record show that we don't have 1 ILLUMINATI! we have 3 ILLUMINATI! that have taken over this social media.

Let the record show that these men find it funny that they are doing these evil things. Their mind is so blown by what I say that they don't even try to deny anything I say. They actually suggest that I share my knowledge, since they can't deny it.

Let the record show that these men continually sexually harass an innocent woman. They are trying to use intimidation to silence me, but I will not be intimidated!

Let the record show that they are using old english and secret insidious messages to confuse us. We will not be confused!

Let the record show that White Rabbit continues to remain silent for months now. If anyone here still cares about White Rabbit, please look into his safety. I suspect from what I see here that he is in more trouble than we know.

You don't have to take my word about these things. Just read the words that have come out of their mouths. If you leave your mind open, you will see the truth!
SubLunar wrote:You still haven't answered the question. I'm guessing it's a butt-gina... One that's been stretched so far there's no telling which is which. Those are the best!

Brouser: You, her and I should grab some squirrels and a vat of peanut butter and rent a motel for the night!

What say the both of you? My penis is very tiny, but I can work my hips like Shakira.
RedRook wrote:
SubLunar wrote:EIGHT

(there is an error in the 11th)
Good job. I wish I could have anticipated the conspiracy theory that I would unwittingly generate. I would have made the message more insidious.
RedRook wrote:You honestly made me laugh the first time I read this. On the second time through though, I'm a little worried about you. It sounds like you might be dealing with some very bad things that happened to you in the past. I know you don't trust me, but maybe you should go to someone you trust and show them all this information you've gathered. They might have some ideas of what you should do next.
Brouser wrote:You have mistaken an expression of disappointment with a comeback. Herein lies your flaw. You have poor powers of perception which cause you to possess a skewed grasp of reality as expressed in everything in your post past the words "pussy dick." But we love others for their flaws, not their perfections. And if your failure to confirm or deny the existence of dual sexual organs (dueling sexual organs?) has given me a raging love boner, who can blame me? Not to say I'm actually erect, I'm just in that quasi-emotional state of readiness to enter your psyche in a loving fashion and tenderly be intimate with your pneuma, your anima, your wonderful essential nature.
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Re: Abandoned area close to town on public trail.

Post by ConspiracyTheorist666 »

charopós wrote:I can see the truth and you speak much of it. Please don't be too upset by the presence of the Illuminati on this website as they're only low ranking pawns anyway.

I hope you will stick around and join me in enlightening the sheep amongst us. Tell us more about your findings. I am personally very interested.
It is refreshing to see that some people are still looking for the truth. You can do your own research on these things. I'm not just pulling this information out of thin air. I'm simply connecting the dots. Here are some links that might help you:

State sponsored drug cartel

Who is seventh group? ... ed_States)

Who is the Griselda?

What are reptillians?

Who are the North Virginia boys? ... Jan22.html

What do tunnel entrances look like? ... 0Igloo.JPG

How do we know they want to kill off all but 500 million?

I also highly recommend that you rent Jesse Ventura's third season of Conspiracy Theory. There is a ton of information directly related to what we find here. Good luck. The information is easy to find. Staying safe after you have found it is the hard part.
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Re: Abandoned area close to town on public trail.

Post by RedRook »

Wow. You seriously sent this private message? Are you trying to expose the Illuminati or join them?
ConspiracyTheorist666 wrote:I think you will find that I have skills that can be useful to you and your organization. I am very nervous about your two comrades though. I want to work with you, but I will not allow myself to be abused. I want to meet you alone this weekend to show you what I know and what I can do for you. Meet me on Plank road at Mott Lake at noon tomorrow. You will have to take caution getting there. Travel from Aberdeen, there is no security on that side of the military base. Armed guards will prevent you from approaching from the east. The limited access to this location and long distance from where the soldiers are will make this area a safe and lonely meeting place.

Again, you must come alone. If your other two comrades come, I will know, and you will get nothing. I can't believe I'm going to meet one of you, but I need to get out in front of this.
Forgive me for keeping this conversation public, but I want to keep things out in the open after all of your accusations. A few points:
1. I don't know if you realize where the Ozarks are. I live in Springfield, Missouri. A quick use of google maps will show that you are asking me to drive 974 miles for over 15 hours to meet you. I'm about to go to work for 8 hours, and I'll have to be at work again on Monday. I'm afraid I have to inform you that you will not be meeting me. ... sz=18&z=18
2. You might not want to bring up the topic of castration before asking a man to meet you in a "safe and lonely place."
3. I would like to use some "plain English" to deny all of your accusations. I have never been Illuminati, NSA, Special Forces, or a Columbian drug dealer. I have never been to Columbia. I was a normal infantry soldier in the U.S. Army, that was it. I have no desire to meet you, hurt you, or hurt anyone else.
4. I do not think you should be meeting strange men off of the internet. I think you should meet with someone you have known for a long time in real life to discuss these ideas you are having. You have a lot of things going through your head that need to be worked out, and you need to find someone that cares about you to do that.
5. You appear to live on or next to a military base. I don't know who has told you that they were Seventh Group Special Forces or a "North Virginia boy", but you need to take what soldiers say with a grain of salt. Some of those claims are said purely to impress you. These guys may not be telling you the truth.
6. The building you called a "tunnel entrance" is actually called an ammo dump. That is where the military stores ammunition and explosive weapons. That is why the government is guarding those buildings, and the soldiers posted there have the authority to shoot and kill you. I suggest that you do not sneak around any active military sites, including the lake you asked to meet me at.

I hope I'm not late for work now. That's all I have to say.
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Re: Abandoned area close to town on public trail.

Post by BROUSER »

*Note: Due to this having little to do with the original topic, I have split this topic off into its own little pocket of weirdness in Other. I can neither confirm nor deny that I am currently typing this by the light of a lamp I made using WR's skin as a lampshade. - BROUSER
ConspiracyTheorist666 wrote:Let the record show...
I love this! Love it! "Let the record show..." I mean, even though we're not in a court or a public meeting or any kind of hearing, you insist on letting the record show. So cute, so stimulating. I would never try to intimidate you or shut you up. Every word you type is like a sensitive fingertip gentle stroking my metaphysical erogenous zones. And while you claim we're harassing an innocent woman, your femininity has not been that firmly established. Your continued evasiveness concerning possible polyandry raises quite a few questions. Failure to deny can be construed as positive admission.
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RE: ConspiracyTheorist666 vs. Illuminati: a cage match

Post by charopós »

Please continue to share your knowledge with us.
ConspiracyTheorist666 wrote: How do we know they want to kill off all but 500 million?
Note the name R. C. Christian. This is a substantial clue. Do you know what this means?

Do you ever feel like you're being watched, or followed?
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Re: Abandoned area close to town on public trail.

Post by charopós »

ConspiracyTheorist666 wrote: Let the record show that White Rabbit continues to remain silent for months now. If anyone here still cares about White Rabbit, please look into his safety. I suspect from what I see here that he is in more trouble than we know.
In case anyone else here is unaware, she is referring to the Godlike Productions forums in which White Rabbit commented following the Jesse Ventura episode.

It's true, the White Rabbit has gone into hiding. He is in fear for his safety and that of his family. The powers that be don't like what he did on that episode. He can only get online at public wifi locations and only does so behind numerous proxies and anonymizers at random times. Please understand that he is under great stress and his life will never be the same now. Last I heard, he was contacting wikileaks to see if they can help him flee the country.
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Re: Abandoned area close to town on public trail.

Post by SubLunar »

ConspiracyTheorist666 wrote:Let the record show that these men continually sexually harass an innocent woman. They are trying to use intimidation to silence me, but I will not be intimidated!
No intimidation was implied or intended! Calm down now. You could insert the squirrels and peanut butter into me if it would make you feel better, but I'll need you dress like a clown while it happens because my fear of clowns would heighten my arousal.
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Re: Abandoned area close to town on public trail.

Post by ConspiracyTheorist666 »

BROUSER wrote:*Note: Due to this having little to do with the original topic, I have split this topic off into its own little pocket of weirdness in Other. I can neither confirm nor deny that I am currently typing this by the light of a lamp I made using WR's skin as a lampshade. - BROUSER
ConspiracyTheorist666 wrote:Let the record show...
I love this! Love it! "Let the record show..." I mean, even though we're not in a court or a public meeting or any kind of hearing, you insist on letting the record show. So cute, so stimulating. I would never try to intimidate you or shut you up. Every word you type is like a sensitive fingertip gentle stroking my metaphysical erogenous zones. And while you claim we're harassing an innocent woman, your femininity has not been that firmly established. Your continued evasiveness concerning possible polyandry raises quite a few questions. Failure to deny can be construed as positive admission.
OMG! For those that may not realize this, I didn't start posting in this particular spot. Brouser seems to have full control of White Rabbit's social media. There is no telling what type of information he can get access to through his NSA contacts. Brouser is clearly the most dangerous man I have ever made contact with. Do not trust him, and be careful. If you never hear from me again, then you can only assume that I suffered the same fate as White Rabbit.
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Re: Abandoned area close to town on public trail.

Post by ConspiracyTheorist666 »

charopós wrote:
ConspiracyTheorist666 wrote: Let the record show that White Rabbit continues to remain silent for months now. If anyone here still cares about White Rabbit, please look into his safety. I suspect from what I see here that he is in more trouble than we know.
In case anyone else here is unaware, she is referring to the Godlike Productions forums in which White Rabbit commented following the Jesse Ventura episode.

It's true, the White Rabbit has gone into hiding. He is in fear for his safety and that of his family. The powers that be don't like what he did on that episode. He can only get online at public wifi locations and only does so behind numerous proxies and anonymizers at random times. Please understand that he is under great stress and his life will never be the same now. Last I heard, he was contacting wikileaks to see if they can help him flee the country.
I'm glad to hear he is alright. Let him know that we support him, and we appreciate him bringing the truth into the light.
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Re: Abandoned area close to town on public trail.

Post by ConspiracyTheorist666 »

BROUSER wrote:*Note: Due to this having little to do with the original topic, I have split this topic off into its own little pocket of weirdness in Other. I can neither confirm nor deny that I am currently typing this by the light of a lamp I made using WR's skin as a lampshade. - BROUSER
ConspiracyTheorist666 wrote:Let the record show...
I love this! Love it! "Let the record show..." I mean, even though we're not in a court or a public meeting or any kind of hearing, you insist on letting the record show. So cute, so stimulating. I would never try to intimidate you or shut you up. Every word you type is like a sensitive fingertip gentle stroking my metaphysical erogenous zones. And while you claim we're harassing an innocent woman, your femininity has not been that firmly established. Your continued evasiveness concerning possible polyandry raises quite a few questions. Failure to deny can be construed as positive admission.
And for the record, I deny nothing. I don't fully understand your old english, but I can tell you I am a woman. I am a woman that none of you will now see. I didn't realize how powerful you three were. I thought you might really just be pawns, but to control White Rabbit's social media is truly impressive. I don't know who or what you are, but I'm smarter than you. You better be careful if you try to follow me.
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Re: Abandoned area close to town on public trail.

Post by charopós »

ConspiracyTheorist666 wrote:You better be careful if you try to follow me.
They are very careful as a matter of fact.
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Re: Abandoned area close to town on public trail.

Post by charopós »

ConspiracyTheorist666 wrote:I'm glad to hear he is alright. Let him know that we support him, and we appreciate him bringing the truth into the light.
Considering what you've been through, he appreciates this sentiment and wishes you the best of luck as well.
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Re: ConspiracyTheorist666 vs. Illuminati: a cage match

Post by BagHead727 »

Eh, not even an entertaining read. Troll harder or gtfo

aka "That Guy"
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