Conspiracy theories?

Urban exploration in Arkansas
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Re: RE: Conspiracy theories?

Post by rockhound92 »

armyof142 wrote:It is not a Mock Site, I used serve at Fort Chaffee, and the Star of David is Old and made of Stone and sits over a abandoned Diamond Mine.. You can find talk about the Star if you look hard enough in News Papers printed in the 1890's, It was mentioned by Judge Parker in his Diary, and is why many of the old timers called Arkansas God's Country... After WWII German POWs as part of Operation Paper Clip Dated the Star to Be around 2,500 years old... The Runway was there before the Wright Brothers invented a Plane and is very possible it is just as old as the Star, the Bulls eye you point to, is a laid out depiction of the Milky Way.. If you look South of the Star to were Paladins are Located they are sitting on a carving dug into the Ground, just like the Lines in South America, the Symbol matches the Symbol used in India for a Vimana.

Sorry bud to bust your bubble. but there are SAM sites all over the world that like almost the same. We have this awesome website called google images. You should try it and its available for everyone!
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