Fantasy World Village

Urban exploration in Springfield, Missouri
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Re: Fantasy World Village

Post by Nicotti »

Quote the Ebonics Bible Genesis Chp 1:

Ebonibible - Genesis Chapter 1

[1] In da beginnin' Big Daddy created da heaven an' da earth.

[2] And da earth wuz widdout form, an' void; an' darkness wuz upon da face o' da deep. And da Spirit o' Big Daddy groved upon da face o' da waters.

[3] And Big Daddy enunciated, Let dere be light y'all: an' dere wuz light.

[4] And Big Daddy seen da light, dat it wuz fine ass: an' Big Daddy divided da light from da darkness.

[5] And Big Daddy called da light Day, an' da darkness Night. And da evenin' an' da mornin' wuz da first day.

[6] And Big Daddy articulated, Hey beotch, let dere be uh firmament in da midst o' da waters, an' let it divide da waters from da other waters.

[7] And Big Daddy made da firmament, an' divided da waters which wuz under da firmament from da waters which wuz above da firmament: an' it wuz so.

[8] And Big Daddy called da firmament Heaven. And da evening an' da morning wuz da second day.

[9] And Big Daddy rapped, Let da waters under da heaven be gathered together unto one place, an' let da dry land appear: an' it wuz so.

[10] And Big Daddy called da dry land Earth; an' da gathering together o' da waters called he Seas: an' Big Daddy seen dat it wuz pimp-tight.

[11] And Big Daddy did verbalize, Let da earth bring forth grass, da herb yielding seed, an' da fruit tree yielding fruit afta his kind, whose seed iz in itself, upon da earth: an' it wuz so.

[12] And da earth brought forth grass, an' herb yielding seed afta his kind, an' da tree yielding fruit, whose seed wuz in itself, afta his kind: an' Big Daddy seen dat it wuz pimp-tight.

[13] And da evening an' da morning wuz da third day.

[14] And Big Daddy pontificated, Let dere be lights in da firmament o' da heaven ta divide da day from da night; an' let dem be fo' signs, an' fo' seasons, an' fo' days, an' years:

[15] And let dem be fo' lights in da firmament o' da heaven ta give light upon da earth: an' it wuz so.

[16] And Big Daddy made two great lights; da greater light ta rule da day, an' da lesser light ta rule da night: he made da stars also.

[17] And Big Daddy set dem in da firmament o' da heaven ta give light upon da earth,

[18] And ta rule over da day an' over da night, an' ta divide da light from da darkness: an' Big Daddy seen dat it wuz pimp-tight.

[19] And da evening an' da morning wuz da fourth day.

[20] And Big Daddy vocalized, Let da waters bring forth abundantly da moving creature dat be havin' life, an' bird dat may fly above da earth in da open firmament o' heaven.

[21] And Big Daddy created great whales, an' every living creature dat be movin', which da waters brought forth abundantly, afta they kind, an' every chicken winged bird afta his kind: an' Big Daddy seen dat it wuz pimp-tight.

[22] And Big Daddy blessed dem, saying, Be fruitful, an' multiply, an' fill da waters in da seas, an' let fowl multiply in da earth.

[23] And da evening an' da morning wuz da fifth day.

[24] And Big Daddy spoked, Let da earth bring forth da living creature afta his kind, cattle, an' creeping thin', an' beast o' da earth afta his kind: an' it wuz so.

[25] And Big Daddy made da beast o' da earth afta his kind, an' cattle afta they kind, an' every thin' dat be creepin' upon da earth afta his kind: an' Big Daddy seen dat it wuz pimp-tight.

[26] And Big Daddy be sayin', Let us make peeps in our image, afta our likeness: an' let dem gots dominion over da fish o' da sea, an' over da birds o' da air, an' over da cattle, an' over all da earth, an' over every creepin' thin' dat be creepin' upon da earth.

[27] So Big Daddy created peeps in his own image, in da image o' Big Daddy created he him; nig an' beotch created he dem.

[28] And Big Daddy blessed dem, an' Big Daddy spoked unto dem, Be fruitful, an' multiply, an' replenish da earth, an' subdue it: an' gots dominion over da fish o' da sea, an' over da fowl o' da air, an' over every living thin' dat be movin' upon da earth.

[29] And Big Daddy be sayin', Behold, I gots given ya every herb bearing seed, which iz upon da face o' all da earth, an' every tree, in which iz da fruit o' uh tree yielding seed; ta ya it shall be fo' meat.

[30] And ta every beast o' da earth, an' ta every bird o' da air, an' ta every thin' dat be creepin' on da earth, wherein dere iz life, I gots given every green herb fo' meat: an' it wuz so.

[31] And Big Daddy seen every thin' dat he had made, an', behold, it wuz very pimp-tight. And da evening an' da morning wuz da sixth day.
More online investigation than onsite exploration these days.

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Re: Fantasy World Village

Post by ropingk »

That is so wrong on SO SO SO many levels
you know as odd as I am at times and for my church im like the wild child Big Daddy somehow is just wrong
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Re: RE: Fantasy World Village

Post by ropingk »

SubLunar wrote:I think most rational people are fine with other people believing that god created the world in x amount of time. Why is that acceptable? Because we can't prove otherwise. If you believe he created the world in 6 literal days or 6 millennia represented as days for the sake of being concise, that's cool with me.

As for the earth being only 6,000 years old? Sorry but no. Way too much evidence to show otherwise. Anyone who thinks that, let alone teaches others that, is a nut and deserves ridicule.

Humans are limited by sense perceptions therefore there will always be things beyond our understanding. We cannot prove or disprove deity therefore we cannot claim it doesn't exist without sounding equally nutty. Take the saying: "There is no god". So you claim to know everything then, huh? Must be nice.

I can accept that the Bible(/other religious text) is a book of allegories mixed with truth. If an all powerful God really tried to contact us, he/she/it couldn't really explain how he did things at his level, he'd have to dumb it down for us right? Right. Otherwise the Bible wouldn't make any sense, especially considering that science didn't really exist back then so explaining things that are basic scientific fact today would have seemed complicated to them. The bible would have ended up like a complicated science book that no-one could remotely comprehend. So the stories of, say Genesis and Adam and Eve, are probably (assuming God is real and actually had someone transcribe it) just an allegory simplified to explain the big bang and human evolution in one easy to understand story. When you cease taking religious writings literally, they can meld with and complement science because one cannot disprove the other and it can fill in the gaps of knowledge we may never acquire, such as how the big bang came to happen.

Not that I want to get on a lengthy discourse on theology, I just came here to laugh at the nutters trying to build a big cross. I bet the project will bankrupt in 5 years time and this place will be explorable then.

My dad was a Pentoscal Preacher for like 40 years but the ONE thing that he would go nuts over was if any body said well they found a skeleton that dates back 20,000 years OH Man did he ever go off Id try to talk to him and say Come on dad you know it never really says how long the earth was here but he was like IT WRONG ITS WRONG ITS WRONG
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Re: Fantasy World Village

Post by BROUSER »

The devil put dinosaurs here. - Alice in Chains
“An all-out attack on evolutionist thinking is possibly the only real hope our nations have of rescuing themselves from an inevitable social and moral catastrophe.”
― Ken Ham
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Re: Fantasy World Village

Post by ropingk »

wow now I have the answer thanks man :?
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RE: Fantasy World Village

Post by RV driver »

Isn't this place now a visitor's center for Branson? I go to Forsyth every week. I'll look next time I go past.
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